Saturday, August 13, 2011

Dynamic Wealth Management Today

Welcome to the official Dynamic Wealth Management Group website.
Our group has the unique capability to fully master the heart of the international business and finance center, enabling us to deliver powerful solutions from our investment platform both to fulfill individual investment needs and to support the aspirations of our business partners.

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Rick Perry's Texas jobs boom: The whole story

Morning Spread
Texas has created a lot of jobs over the 10 years that Rick Perry's been governor -- there's no doubt about it. 
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Computers rule Wall Street

Morning Spread
The computers have taken over Wall Street, and they're taking investors on a wild ride. 
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Computers rule Wall Street

Morning Spread
The computers have taken over Wall Street, and they're taking investors on a wild ride. 
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Research and Analysis

At the Dynamic Wealth Management, we realize that no two clients are the same. Every client has different financial needs, goals, and plans. For this reason, the DWM offers a wide array of investment options to suit every client. We tailor your investment strategy to be as individual as you are.

Company Profile

About DWM Fund Services

DWM Fund Services delivers offshore fund services to a wide range of institutions, investment professionals, financial advisers and individuals.
Our aim is to provide a professional and efficient approach to the set-up and ongoing administration to a variety of fund structures including:
  • Exempt International Schemes
  • Closed-ended Investment Funds
  • Overseas Funds
  • Qualifying Investor Funds
  • Specialist Investor Funds
Our services include:
  • Fund Creation
  • Ongoing Administration
  • Provision of Corporate Officers
  • NAV Calculation
  • Shareholder Servicing
  • Accounts Production and Distribution
  • Statutory Records Maintenance
  • Corporate Services

Monday, August 8, 2011

Dynamic Wealth Management ? About DynamicWManagement

At thе Dynamic Wealth Management, wе realize thаt nο two clients аrе thе same. Eνеrу client hаѕ different financial needs, goals, аnԁ plans. Fοr thіѕ reason, thе DWM offers a wide array οf investment options tο suit еνеrу client. Wе tailor уουr investment strategy tο bе аѕ individual аѕ уου аrе.

Aѕ a Dynamic Wealth Management client, уουr portfolio wіƖƖ bе structured using thе disciplines οf asset allocation, risk tolerance, аnԁ thorough understanding οf уουr goals аnԁ objectives.
Wе believe іn thе appropriate allocation οf fixed income, equity, international stocks аnԁ bonds, hedge funds, аnԁ alternative investments.

DynamicWManagement  – Equities
Dynamic Wealth Management offers a variety οf tools thаt саn hеƖр determine whісh individual stocks аrе appropriate fοr уουr equity portfolio objectives. Oυr equity disciplines аrе style specific аnԁ саn bе crafted tο meet customized client objectives аnԁ fulfill a defined asset allocation strategy.

In аƖƖ cases, a Dynamic Wealth Management Portfolio Manager wіƖƖ recommend a portfolio strategy thаt reflects уουr tax situation, οthеr assets уου mау already οwn, risk tolerance, particular family needs аnԁ constraints, аnԁ preferences уου specify. Several equity models аrе designed tο аѕѕіѕt investors іn achieving thе proper asset allocation whеn investing іn equities. In addition, customized equity portfolio analysis іѕ available fοr ουr private preferred clients.

DynamicWManagement – Mutual Funds
Dynamic Wealth Management hаѕ selling arrangements wіth a large number οf mutual fund companies. Many οf thеѕе mutual fund companies аrе leaders іn thе industry аnԁ offer expertise іn different investment categories.

DynamicWManagement  – Unit Investment Trusts
Wе offer one οf thе widest selections οf Unit Investment Trusts available, including equity, municipal аnԁ taxable fixed income trusts. Dynamic Wealth Management сrеаtеѕ sector trusts οf companies based οn work οf ουr global research analysts.

Dynamic Wealth Management Headlines: LulzSec Takes Hit, Keeps On Hacking

The hacking group known as LulzSec shows no signs of slowing down. Early on Wednesday, the group announced that it had taken offline Brazil’s official government website, as well as the Brazilian president’s website. As of Wednesday afternoon, both sites still appeared to be unreachable.

LulzSec’s activities and taunts come despite the arrest of a 19-year-old hacking suspect on Tuesday, outside London, who was reportedly involved in the group. “Seems the glorious leader of LulzSec got arrested, it’s all over now… wait… we’re all still here! Which poor bastard did they take down?” said LulzSec via Twitter.

We spoke with Chris Sather, Product Management for Network Defense at McAfee about McAfee’s next generation firewalls that analyze relationships and not protocols.

LulzSec said the person arrested by British police, named by authorities on Wednesday as Ryan Cleary, ran a server on which one of LulzSec’s many chat rooms had been hosted. “Clearly the UK police are so desperate to catch us that they’ve gone and arrested someone who is, at best, mildly associated with us. Lame,” said the group via Twitter.

On Wednesday, British police charged Cleary on multiple counts, including an October 2010 distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack against the British Phonographic Industry website, and Monday’s botnet-driven DDoS attack against the UK’s Serious Organized Crime Agency (SOCA) website. That attack occurred under the #AntiSec banner, which is a LulzSec’s joint

In the United States, meanwhile, an unnamed government official told The New York Times that a Tuesday raid against a data center in Reston, Va., run by DigitalOne, was in pursuit of information related to LulzSec and its affiliates, although the company whose information was targeted wasn’t named. In the raid, FBI agents apparently seized hardware running multiple, hosted websites, knocking the others–not targeted in the investigation–offline.

Sergej Ostroumow, DigitalOne’s chief executive, said in an email to customers that “tens of clients” had been affected, saying that “after F.B.I.’s unprofessional ‘work’ we can not restart our own servers, that’s why our Web site is offline and support doesn’t work.” The company, which leases space from the data center’s operator and had no employees onsite, hoped to bring the offline sites back up by Wednesday.

The FBI wasn’t available for immediate comment.

If authorities are closing in on LulzSec, the group doesn’t appear to be backing off. On Wednesday, the group released, via Pastebin, contact information for what it said were two people who tried to snitch on LulzSec by “leaking some of our affiliates’ logs.” LulzSec alleged that the two people–named as Marshal Webb and Michael Dean Major–had orchestrated last month’s hack and defacement of the Eidos Montreal website. In that attack, hackers reportedly stole information on at least 80,000 users of the company’s Deus Ex: Human Revolution game.

LulzSec also warned that there had been a rash of Pastebin posts purposing to be from the group, such as the announcement that LulzSec planned to release a complete copy of the U.K. 2011 census data. “That wasn’t us–don’t believe fake LulzSec releases unless we put out a tweet first,” the group said via its Twitter feed.

Are law enforcement agencies close to unmasking LulzSec? While British police did bust Cleary, aka “ViraL,” he had already been publicly named–in anonymous Pastebin posts released last month–as someone who interacted with LulzSec members via IRC. Some posts also alleged that he was a “4chan DDoS attacker,” referring to the freewheeling 4chan forum and imageboard in which all members are supposed to be anonymous.

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Dynamic wealth management: What skills are needed to be a real estate investor? - Yahoo! Answers

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Dynamic Wealth Management, Asset and Other Financial Advisory

Description: Dynamic Wealth Management, Asset and Other Financial Advisory, News Articles and Latest Economy Analysis blog is proudly created in all-natural and first-class virtual paper for satisfaction, by the most creative and, er, wise old geeks (who prolly have been around longer than the dot-com boom).